Thursday, March 22, 2007

Haruskah Gue Mati Karena Diri Loe

*Saat kau MENYUKAI seseorang,kau ingin memilikinya untuk keegoisanmu sendiri.

*Saat kau MENYAYANGI seseorang, kau ingin sekali membuatnya bahagia dan bukan untuk dirimu sendiri.

*Saat kau MENCINTAI seseorang, kau akan melakukan apapun untuk kebahagiaannya walaupun kau harus mengorbankan jiwamu.

*Saat kau MENYUKAI seseorang dan berada di sisinya maka kau akan bertanya,"Bolehkah aku menciummu?"

*Saat kau MENYAYANGI seseorang dan berada di sisinya maka kau akan bertanya,"Bolehkah aku memelukmu?"

*Saat kau MENCINTAI seseorang dan berada di sisinya maka kau akan menggenggam erat tangannya...

*SUKA adalah saat ia menangis, kau akan berkata "Sudahlah, jangan menangis."

*SAYANG adalah saat ia menangis dan kau akan menangis bersamanya.

*CINTA adalah saat ia menangis dan kau akan membiarkannya menangis dipundakmu sambil berkata, "Mari kita selesaikan masalah ini bersama-sama."

*SUKA adalah saat kau melihatnya kau akan berkata, "Ia sangat cantik dan menawan."

*SAYANG adalah saat kau melihatnya kau akan melihatnya dari hatimu dan bukan matamu.

*CINTA adalah saat kau melihatnya kau akan berkata, "Buatku dia adalah anugerah terindah yang pernah Tuhan berikan padaku.."

*Pada saat orang yang kau SUKA menyakitimu, maka kau akan marah dan tak mau lagi bicara padanya.

*Pada saat orang yang kau SAYANG menyakitimu, engkau akan menangis untuknya.

*Pada saat orang yang kau CINTAI menyakitimu, kau akan berkata,"Tak apa dia hanya tak tahu apa yang dia lakukan."

*Pada saat kau SUKA padanya, kau akan MEMAKSANYA untuk menyukaimu.

*Pada saat kau SAYANG padanya, kau akan MEMBIARKANNYA MEMILIH.

*Pada saat kau CINTA padanya, kau akan selalu MENANTINYA dengan setia dan tulus...

*SUKA adalah kau akan menemaninya bila itu menguntungkan.

*SAYANG adalah kau akan menemaninya di saat dia membutuhkan.

*CINTA adalah kau akan menemaninya di saat bagaimanapun keadaannya.

*SUKA adalah hal yang menuntut.

*SAYANG adalah hal memberi dan menerima.

*CINTA adalah hal yang memberi dengan rela.

Kenangan Indah Gue

dalam malam yang sepi...
hanya bayang-bayang yang menemaniku
tak ku sadar
malamku penuh luka
malamku penuh kenangan
malamku penuh harapan
tak ku menyangka tuk bertemu dirimu
tak ku sangka tuk bersamamu
dan slalu ku ingat bayangmu
walau dalam kegelapan malam
ku kan slalu mengenalmu
walaupun jauh cinta untuk ku
walau jauh harapan untuk ku
hanya sebuah kenangan yang ku miliki
hanya sebuah harapan yang ku punya

Perasaan Hatiku


Love is struggle
Hard to get and hard to leave
Although you are the one who cann't I forget in mind
I never imagine you will be mine
I'm so thank to god cause
Cause he already to conforn't  I with you
I cann't explaint the happines inside my heart
Cause I to select you for to become princess in my empire heart
I dobelive this is a miraccle from god, cause
Cause He (god) knew I would love you  best

from   : Ramdhan
for      : princess in my empire heart

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Bangunan Termegah Sepanjang Sejarah Umat Manusia


Ka'bah adalah bangunan suci kaum Muslim yang terletak di kota Mekkah di dalam Masjidil Haram. Merupakan bangunan yang dijadikan patokan arah kiblat atau arah patokan untuk hal hal yang bersifat ibadah bagi umat Islam di seluruh dunia seperti sholat. Selain itu, merupakan bangunan yang wajib dikunjungi atau diziarahi pada saat musim haji dan umrah.

Bangunan berbentuk kubus ini berukuran 12 x 10 x 15 meter. Juga disebut dengan nama Baitallah.

Sejarah perkembangan

Ka'bah yang juga dinamakan Baitul Atiq atau rumah tua adalah bangunan yang dibangun pada masa Nabi Ibrahim dan Nabi Ismail setelah nabi Ismail berada di mekkah atas perintah Allah SWT.

Pada masa Nabi Muhammad SAW berusia 30 tahun (Kira kira 600 M dan belum diangkat menjadi Rasul pada saat itu), bangunan ini direnovasi kembali akibat bajir bandang yang melanda kota Mekkah pada saat itu. Sempat terjadi perselisihan antar kepala suku atau kabilah ketika hendak meletakkan kembali batu Hajar Aswad namun berkat penyelesaian Muhammad SAW perselisihan itu berhasil diselesaikan tanpa pertumpahan darah dan tanpa ada pihak yang dirugikan.

Pada saat menjelang Muhammad SAW diangkat menjadi Nabi sampai kepindahannya ke kota Madinah. Lingkungan Ka'bah penuh dengan patung yang merupakan perwujudan Tuhan bangsa Arab ketika masa kegelapan pemikiran (jahilliyah) padahal sebagaimana ajaran Nabi Ibrahim yang merupakan nenek moyang bangsa Arab dan bangsa Yahudi serta ajaran Nabi Musa terhadap kaum Yahudi, Tuhan tidak boleh disembah dengan diserupakan dengan benda atau makhluk apapun dan tidak memiliki perantara untuk menyembahnya serta tunggal tidak ada yang menyerupainya dan tidak beranak dan diperanakkan (Surat Al Ikhlas dalam Al-Qur'an) . Ka'bah akhirnya dibersihkan dari patung patung ketika Nabi Muhammad mebebaskan kota Mekkah tanpa pertumpahan darah.

Selanjutnya bangunan ini diurus dan dipelihara oleh Bani Sya'ibah sebagai pemegang kunci ka'bah dan administrasi serta pelayanan haji diatur oleh pemerintahan baik pemerintahan khalifah Abu Bakar, Umar bin Khattab, Utsman bin Affan, Ali bin Abi Thalib, Muawwiyah bin Abu Sufyan, Dinasti Ummayyah, Dinasti Abbasiyyah, Dinasti Usmaniyah Turki, sampai saat ini yakni pemerintah kerajaan Arab Saudi yang bertindak sebagai pelayan dua kota suci, Mekkah dan Madinah.

Bangunan Ka'bah

Pada awalnya bangunan Ka'bah terdiri atas dua pintu serta letak pintu ka'bah terletak diatas tanah , tidak seperti sekarang yang pintunya terletak agak tinggi sebagaimana pondasi yang dibuat Nabi Ibrahim dan Nabi Ismail. Namun ketika Renovasi Ka'bah akibat bencana banjir pada saat Muhammad SAW berusia 30 tahun dan sebelum diangkat menjadi rasul, karena merenovasi ka'bah sebagai bangunan suci harus menggunakan harta yang halal dan bersih, sehingga pada saat itu terjadi kekurangan biaya. Maka bangunan ka'bah dibuat hanya satu pintu serta ada bagian ka'bah yang tidak dimasukkan ke dalam bangunan ka'bah yang dinamakan Hijir Ismail yang diberi tanda setengah lingkaran pada salah satu sisi ka'bah. Saat itu pintunya dibuat tinggi letaknya agar hanya pemuka suku Quraisy yang bisa memasukinya. Karena suku Quraisy merupakan suku atau kabilah yang sangat dimuliakan oleh bangsa Arab.

Karena kaumnya baru saja masuk Islam, maka Nabi Muhammad SAW mengurungkan niatnya untuk merenovasi kembali ka'bah sehinggas ditulis dalam sebuah hadits perkataan beliau: "Andaikata kaumku bukan baru saja meninggalkan kekafiran, akan Aku turunkan pintu ka'bah dan dibuat dua pintunya serta dimasukkan Hijir Ismail kedalam Ka'bah", sebagaimana pondasi yang dibangun oleh Nabi Ibrahim.

Ketika masa Abdurrahman bin Zubair memerintah daerah Hijaz, bangunan itu dibuat sebagaimana perkataan Nabi Muhammad SAW atas pondasi Nabi Ibrahim. Namun karena terjadi peperangan dengan Abdul Malik bin Marwan, penguasa daerah Syam (Suriah,Yordania dan Lebanon sekarang) dan Palestina, terjadi kebakaran pada Ka'bah akibat tembakan peluru pelontar (onager) yang dimiliki pasukan Syam. Sehingga Abdul Malik bin Marwan yang kemudian menjadi khalifah, melakukan renovasi kembali Ka'bah berdasarkan bangunan hasil renovasi Nabi Muhammad SAW pada usia 30 tahun bukan berdasarkan pondasi yang dibangun Nabi Ibrahim. Dalam sejarahnya Ka'bah beberapa kali mengalami kerusakan sebagai akibat dari peperangan dan umur bangunan.

Ketika masa pemerintahan khalifah Harun Al Rasyid pada masa kekhalifahan Abbasiyyah, khalifah berencana untuk merenovasi kembali ka'bah sesuai pondasi Nabi Ibrahim dan yang diinginkan Nabi Muhammad SAW. namun segera dicegah oleh salah seorang ulama terkemuka yakni Imam Malik karena dikhawatirkan nanti bangunan suci itu dijadikan ajang bongkar pasang para penguasa sesudah beliau. Sehingga bangunan Ka'bah tetap sesuai masa renovasi khalifah Abdul Malik bin Marwan sampai sekarang.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Prestasi sang Maestro

Ukrainian league title
Best Newcomer of the season ( "Comanda"*** newspaper )

Ukrainian league title
Ukrainian Cup winner
Ukrainian Footballer of the Year ("Golos Ukraine"** newspaper)

Ukrainian league title
Ukrainian Footballer of the Year ("Ukrainian Football"* newspaper)
Ukrainian Footballer of the Year ("Comanda")
Ukrainian Footballer of the Year ("Golos Ukraine")

Ukrainian league title
Ukrainian Cup winner
Ukrainian Footballer of the Year ("Golos Ukraine")

Ukrainian league title
Ukrainian Cup winner
Ukrainian league top scorer
UEFA Champions League Best Striker
UEFA Champions League top scorer
Third-best FIFA World Player
Ukraine Sportsman of the Year (as part of the "Man of the Year" award)
Ukrainian Footballer of the Year ("Ukrainian Football")
Ukrainian Footballer of the Year ("Golos Ukraine")
Goal of the Season Award ("UTN Football" national television poll)

Italian Serie A top scorer
Best foreign player in Serie A (AIC poll, Italian professional footballers association)
Third-best European Footballer of the Year as voted by France Football
Ukrainian Footballer of the Year ("Ukrainian Football")

Ukrainian Footballer of the Year ("Ukrainian Football")
Ukrainian Footballer of the Year ("Golos Ukraine")
Eastern European Footballer of the Year (Focus Vest magazine, Romania)

Ukrainian Footballer of the Year ("Golos Ukraine")

Champions League winner
Italian Cup winner
UEFA Super Cup winner
Fourth-best FIFA World Player
Ukrainian Footballer of the Year ("Golos Ukraine")

Italian Serie A League title
Italian League top scorer
Italian Super Cup
Third-best FIFA World Player
Pallone D’Oro (Golden Ball) – European Footballer of the Year as voted by France Weekly
Ukrainian Footballer of the Year ("Ukrainian Football")
Ukrainian Footballer of the Year ("Golos Ukraine")
Star of Sport award ("Sport Express"****)

UEFA Champions League finalist
"Golden Foot" winner (online poll held by "World Champions Club" magazine and "La Gazzetta dello Sport" newspaper)

Captains Ukraine to first ever FIFA World Cup Finals
Scores against Saudi Arabia and Tunisia - helping Ukraine reach the quarter finals

English League Cup

* poll held by journalists, experts
** poll held by sport journalists
*** poll held by Ukrainian professional footballers
**** poll held by sports journalists from the former USSR states.

Awards made by the State

Hero of Ukraine
On December 31, 2004 Andriy Shevchenko received the ‘Hero of Ukrainian’ award from President Leonid Kuchma, for ‘his extraordinary contribution to the development of Ukrainian football’.

Honour of Merit by decree of the President of Ukraine, October 15, 1999

Honour of Saint Prince Vladimir, March 25, 2000

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Biografi Sang MAESTRO

Andriy Shevchenko was born in the Kiev regional town of Yagotyn and until 1979 lived in Dvirkivschina before moving to the newly-built housing district of Obolon in Kiev.
Andriy started playing football at school and then joined a team organised by the housing association and coached by a woman. At just nine-years-old, he was spotted by Dynamo scout Alexandr Shpakov, during a school tournament, who took him to Kiev where he played in the junior side.

His parents were not too keen at first and Andriy’s father Nikolay wanted the youngster to follow him into the military when he finished school. Andriy was also hindered by the fact he had to travel right across the city to go training, but with Shpakov’s support he persisted and football became his life.

The Chernobyl nuclear disaster meant an end to training for a time. In the spring of 1986, Andriy became one of the numerous youngsters to transfer to a school away from the disaster zone. After two months, Andriy returned to Kiev and back to playing in Shpakov’s side who Alexandr Lysenko was to coach in 1992.

In August 1991, Andriy’s side became the last winner of the USSR junior championship - a competition for boys born in 1976. Sheva started out at in a more defensive role and in 1990 the young Dynamo team won the Ian Rush Cup in Wales. Andriy made his mark as the top scorer in the tournament and received a pair of boots from the famous striker. Meanwhile, a visit to the San Siro fired his dream to play for Milan but before that came true there was plenty to win with Dynamo Kiev.

In the spring of 1992, ShevHe made his Champions League debut at Spartak Moscow on November 23, 1994 where he replaced Rebrov on 57 minutes. His first league goal came on December 1 in a 4-2 win over Dnipro and his first Champions League goal came on December 7, 1994 against Bayern Munich in a match Dynamo lost 4-1.

His full international debut came on March 25, 1995 against Croatia and Andriy’s first international goal followed on March 1, 1996 in a friendly against Turkey. The 1995-96 season saw him become a Dynamo regular but a UEFA ban kept the team out of the Champions League and on the eve of the preliminary round the following year, Sheva suffered a meniscus problem and Dynamo were eliminated.

However, the club’s problems led to the return of Valeri Lobanovsky - the legendary coach who had taken Dynamo to international success in 1975 and 1986. The success was instant as Barcelona were defeated twice in the Champions League, with Sheva becoming the first Ukrainian player to score a hat-trick in the competition in a 4-1 win at the Nou Camp on the birthday of the famous Dynamo striker Oleg Blokhin.

The youngster was coming to the attention of the top sides in Europe and his price tag was reaching $20million as in the 1998-99 season he scored in both games against French side Lens and a penalty against Arsenal to take Dynamo to the top of their group. In the quarter-finals, Sheva scored three goals in the two legs against Real Madrid and twice in the semi-final against Bayern Munich but that German character and a slice of good fortune saw the Bavarian side through.

However, there was no turning back for Sheva as he moved to Milan on July 1, 1999 to be acclaimed as the new ’Marco Van Basten’. With a $25million transfer price, Milan broke their all-time transfer fee record to take Shevchenko to Italy.

Coach Alberto Zaccheroni was presented with a player already on top of his game and sure enough he scored on his serie A debut at Lecce.

The 1999-2000 season ended with Sheva finishing as the league’s top scorer - the first foreigner to do so in his debut season, with 24 goals in 32 games.
In 1999 and 2000 he finished third in the France Football European Player of the Year Award.

chenko moved up to Dynamo 2 (Dynamo Kiev’s second team) where he came under the guidance of Vladimir Onishenko. The following season, he was the side’s top scorer with 12 goals. On April 26, 1994, Andriy came to a wider audience in a televised international junior game between Ukraine and Holland. He scored in a 2-2 draw and put in an eye-catching display. He made his senior first-team debut on November 8, 1994 against Shakhtar Donetsk when he came on for Gishkariani in the 54th minute. This had already made his international Under-21 debut on October 11 against Slovenia.
This led to other top European sides seeking his services and in 2001 it was rumoured in Italian sports newspaper ’Tuttosport’ that Real Madrid had offered $90million. Those rumours died off as Sheva scored against Real in the Champions League in November 2002.
This goal is considered to have relaunched Milan once again as was the goal in the semi-final against Inter and the winning penalty in the final at Manchester on May 2003. With the sides level after extra-time, it was left to Sheva to coolly score the decisive goal in the penalty shoot-out.

Sheva took the trophy back to Kiev and presented it to the waiting crowds tellingly at the Lobanovsky monument as a show of his gratitude to his old tutor. The goals kept coming as another two brought Milan the European Super Cup against Porto. Milan then went on to win the Serie A title for the first time with Sheva in the side.

He also finished the league’s top scorer and netted three times against closest title rivals Roma. He started the next season in the same way, with a hat-trick in the Italian Super Cup against Lazio.

2004 was a success all round as he became the third Ukrainian footballer, after Oleg Blokhin and Igor Belanov to win the France Football European Player of the Year Award. Andriy, of course, dedicated the title to the people of Ukraine.

However, 2004 was to become an important year in Andriy’s private life as he married American model Kristen Pazik on July 14 in Washington. The ceremony took place at a local golf course and then on October 29, he became a father when Kristen gave birth to Jordan Andriy Shevchenko. Milan president Silvio Berlusconi would become the child’s godfather.

August 2005 saw Sheva named the ’Golden Foot’, an award established by the World Champions Club magazine and top Italian sports newspaper La Gazzetta dello Sport and voted online for the best player in the world.

Andriy’s international dreams came true on September 3, 2005 when Ukraine qualified for the World Cup for the first time. They had come close on three occasions but had been eliminated in the play-offs, to Croatia in 1997, Slovenia in 1999 and Germany in 2001.
However, under the guidance of coach Oleg Blokhin, Sheva and his team-mates finished ahead of Turkey, Greece, Denmark, Albania, Georgia and Kazakhstan to qualify automatically, with Sheva finishing top scorer.
Sheva was instrumental for AC Milan during the 2005/06 season, often replacing Maldini as captain, as he led the team in goals scoring 19 Serie A goals in 28 games. His goals in the league helped Milan finish second behind Juventus but also saw him overtake legendary Milan number 10 Gianni Rivera to take 2nd place in the Milan all time goalscoring charts.

On 8 February 2006, Sheva scored twice in a 5-0 win against Treviso at the San Siro, netting his 164th and 165th goal for Milan, leaving only legendary Swedish forward Gunnar Nordahl, who played for Milan between 1949-1956, ahead of him with 221 goals.

In the Champions League, Andriy top scored in the competition with nine goals in 12 games, including all four goals in Milan's 4-0 win away against Fenerbahçe SK. They lost in the semi final to eventual winners Barcelona, despite Sheva having what looked to be a perfectly legitimate goal ruled off at the Camp Nou. His season tally saw him gain on Real Madrid striker Raul at the top of the Champions League all-time scoring charts - at the end of the season he had European Cup 52 goals.

Following mounting speculation Sheva transferred to English club side Chelsea on May 31 2006, signing a four year contract in a deal worth £30 million, the fifth largest transfer in world football. On joining Chelsea Andriy said, "I am here for the challenge and the excitement of the Premier League. I am going from one big club to another and joining a team of champions. There is a right moment to join a football club and I think I have arrived here at the perfect time."

The 2006 FIFA World Cup presented Andriy with one of the highlights of his career.

Ukraine qualified from Group 2 containing not only reigning European champions Greece, but also Turkey who finished third at the last FIFA World Cup and perennial tournament qualifiers, Denmark. Despite the tough opposition, the Ukraine finished top of the Group with 25 points, winning six consecutive games including away wins in Greece and Turkey.

Sheva was top scorer for Ukraine and one of the most prolific in the European zone with six goals - helping the Ukraine reach their first major international tournament since the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991.

In the Finals, Ukraine were drawn in Group H against Spain, Saudi Arabia and Tunisia. But first Sheva had to return from knee ligament injury which he sustained against Parma in May just before the Finals.

Andriy was declared fit before the World Cup and lined up as captain in the Ukraine's first-ever World Cup Finals game against Spain in Leipzig. Unfortunately, Sheva's return was not enough to help avoid losing 4-0 to one of the favourites for the World Cup.

Sheva and the team returned stronger in their next two games against Saudi Arabia and Tunisia. In the heat of Hamburg the Ukraine reversed their first round score to win 4-0 with goals from Andriy Rusol, Serhiy Rebrov, Shevchenko and Kalinichenko sealing a debut win. Rusol scored with just 4 minutes played diverting a corner from the right into the goal before shortly after Andriy had a header cleared off the line from another corner. On 36 minutes Rebrov scored one of the goals of the tournament as a fired a curling shot from 30 yards.

Just after the re-start Sheva scored his first World Cup goal. Kalinichenko swung a free-kick from the left into the box and Shevchenko beat his marker to head into the far corner. Andriy was mobbed by team-mates wanting to celebrate his historic goal. In the 84th minute Sheva drove into the box challenged by 3 players before squaring the ball to Kalinichenko to slot home into a empty net.

Ukraine now had 3 points and could guarantee qualification from the Group with victory against Tunisia in Berlin. Just before half-time Tunisia number 5 Jaziri was sent off for a second bookable offence. In the second half Ukraine were able to press home their one man advantage and took the lead through Sheva in the 70th minute when a defensive mix-up allowed Andriy to get goal side in the box where he was fouled. Sheva stood up and brushed himself down to score the penalty himself, placing the ball to the right hand side of the goal.

With two wins the Ukraine qualified for the second round and played Switzerland in Cologne. The game was packed with tension as both teams battled to avoid elimination. Andriy hit the bar with a diving header in the first half and minutes later Switzerland did likewise from a free kick, as the game reached the later stages of normal time Sheva fizzed a shot just past the post with the Swiss goalkeeper motionless before Gusin saw a header from a corner flash past the post. The game was destined to finish in a penalty shoot out and Switzerland failed in all 4 of their attempts as Ukraine won 3-0.

The quarter-finals pitched Ukraine vs Italy in Hamburg. Italy proved too strong as goals from Zambrotta and Luca Toni (2), it might have been different, at 1-0 Ukraine had two shots cleared off the line. After the game Sheva reflected, "It would've been difficult for us to draw tonight, never mind win. We faced a very good Italy team who deserved to win. They exploited the opportunities created by their star players. We played well, we attacked a lot and did everything in our power. We played with a lot of courage. To win you need to give everything and be lucky. We were unlucky this evening."

Thursday, March 15, 2007


Dialah manusia terbaek dalam hidupku aku gak ngerti kenapa semua bisa terjadi begitu saja dulu aku pernah menyakitinya dan aku bertanya pada diriku manusia apa aku ini??, sekarang semuanya sudah terlambat dia dah gak ada, dia sudah pergi dan entah dia ingat ato lupa padaku dan aku gak ingin semuanya kembali hidup pada diriku lagi andai saja aku bisa memutar waktu tak kan kusia-siakan dirimu aku juga mohon untuk terakhir kalinya apakah kamu mau memaafkan aku?? ato kamu mo kembali lagi padaku ??, aku juga merasa bersalah atas apa yang aku lakukan maka izikanlah aku menebusnya dengan sebuah kesetiaan dan untuk yang terakhir kalinya aku hanya bisa berdoa semoga engkau disana dapat menemukan kebahagiaan yang tak pernah kau temukan bersama diriku dan aku mohon juga kamu jangan menghindari aku lagi karena menghindar bukan menjadikan aku akan menyerah tapi aku akan terus, terus, dan terus mencari kamu dan aku harap kamu jangan halangi aku untuk mencari tahu dimana kamu tinggal sekarang

To :Yang ada disana

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